- The space is wide with tables set up in the middle that have enough space between them to accommodate groups of people with a comfortable amount of space.
- The framing part is in the back so not to distract from the available and displayed work. The only problem I had was when I walked in I was confused about if any of the work was part of an exhibit, or if it was part of the boutique.
- The fonts and signs are small and do not distract from the artwork. the price tags on the work are not large or distracting from the work.
- A common theme within the work is nature, landscapes, wildlife, and organic designs used with several different mediums.
- The information would be how the work is mostly displayed in a spot that is set up for that artist. The work is generally organized by placing works that were made by the artist together in a certain spot.
- Visually it gives the feeling of a professional but causal environment. It is more of a commercial gallery because they sell, display, and do custom framework for artists.
- The message this gallery wants to communicate to the public is that this is a more casual gallery space not a just a high brow space, but somewhere for everyone to enjoy the art.
- There is a linear sequence in that when you come in you can start at either side of the space and move up the wall, and look at the middle displays along the way.
- Giving the people the choice of where to start lets the viewer start at whichever spot they find most interesting.
- Under 25 would find the colorful atmosphere and variety of stuff to look at appealing. Unpopular things might be the price points for some of the artwork might be a little high for people under 25 so that might discourage them.
- Over 25 would enjoy the different styles of art and the chance to own something unique that was hand made by a real artist. Unpopular things might depend more on the individual and what they are looking for since a lot of the displayed work deals with nature and organic ideas. If the person was not into this type of art it would not interest them.
- People are able to share the experience because the atmosphere is relaxed and people can explore and find the work together.
- The only ting I would change is the at if the gallery does host exhibitions to have a clearly defined separate space to show the work that is being displayed specifically for the exhibition.